For aspiring and experienced writers from all walks of life.
Write the Messy Middle of Your Book
Group Coaching Program with Kelly Morgan. Write the first or next draft of your book.
A Spiritual Path to Crafting Captivating Stories.

“Oh my God, now it’s your 55th or 75th summer, and you haven’t started or finished writing your memoir or novel.
. . . jump out of bed, eager to write more of your story.
. . . write stories that engage, entertain, educate or inspire readers.
. . . smile when someone introduces you as an author.
. . . asking your creative buddies to give you feedback and their feedback
. . . live your big, juicy, creative life by writing consistently.
. . . see your book’s ending in the rearview mirror.

Write Your Book

Our creative writing program improves your ability to write well. You’ll learn how to:
- Free your writing ability (and why that’s important!)
- Create word pictures readers remember.
- Set the tone with details and access your unique voice.
- Use 4 improvisational writing tools (plus a few playful tricks) to help you love writing.

Use our tried and true signature process for giving and receiving feedback. You’ll discover how to:
- Listen with the ears of a music maker.
- Give and receive generative feedback that increases results.
- The power of 3, a rule which helps you identify when feedback is true.
- Stop taking feedback personally and use it to your advantage.

Story Craft
Creative storytelling is a sure way to make an impact with your writing. Learn how to:
- Use the sure-fire structure of the 5-Step Story.
- Set up scenes, use dialog, show don’t tell.
- Keep readers turning the page to read what happens next.

Inner Game
True writing success happens on the inside first. Discover how to:
- “Act as if you’re already an author” – a technique for triumphing over ‘the imposter syndrome.
- Apply “breakthrough techniques” to overcome fears behind perfectionism and procrastination.
- Let go of “Page Fright” and stop worrying about what others think about you or your writing.

Hi, I’m Kelly Morgan
Take a Deep Dive with Kelly to Write A More Emotional, Interesting, Engaging, and Inspiring Memoir (or Fiction Book Based on Your Life Story).
Kelly is a multi-talented journalist, poet, spoken word performer, teacher, and creativity coach with over 25 years of teaching experience. As a developmental writing coach for several years, she has helped writers become more entertaining, engaging, and inspiring writers and storytellers.
Her impressive career includes winning poetry slams and publishing in literary journals and blogs. For over 27 years, thousands of students in her Artist’s Way and Improvisational Writing Workshops in Hollywood have unlocked their creative potential. She pioneered the Just Say Yes Method of Writing for personal development and healing. Her book is scheduled to be published by next year.
Her wise insights have supported thousands in breaking through procrastination, perfectionism, and other fears to increase creative confidence and productivity. Her books include “A Visit Home“, “A World Without Seatbelts“, and “The Howling Coyote Between Your Thighs“.
Want to know more about us?
Here’s what people are saying.

I will be forever grateful to Kelly for the classes which made my book possible. She helped me to discover how valuable it can be to wander, to get lost, to take yourself by surprise.

Kelly’s writing workshops are different. They spark a creative mindset and challenge me to learn new storytelling skills. During class time, I create scenes to put into my memoir. We all feel so safe in class and when others are vulnerable and evocative, they inspire me to be real. My writing is more raw and the more honest it becomes, the more it impacts readers and audiences.

The Author’s Way
Sessions for 7 Month Program | Thursdays
Starts June 13th @ 2 pm PT / 5 pm ET
** If you miss a session, recordings will be sent via email **
A Program to Write Your Book.
per month
(7-month minimum membership)
Live, Interactive Sessions on Zoom:
- Write consistently
- Continue Developing Writing Skills
- Continue Developing Storytelling Skills
- Learn How to Write for Others
- Overcome Procrastination and Perfectionism
- Learn Basic Editing
- Give/Receive Feedback Hot Spots
- Expert Developmental Coaching
Private Coaching
Coaching Package: 4 Private Sessions. Read up to 100 pages of your manuscript.
One-time payment
(Coaching package must be used in 4 months.)
One-to-One Coaching: Four 1 hour sessions over three-month period.
- Coach You in Finishing Book Blueprint
- Developmental Editing of Your Memoir
- Story Building Sessions to Increase Engagement
- Accountability
Book Foundation Coaching:
- Discover Your Book’s Big Why.
- Write Your Book’s Promise.
- Title Development
- Write your Table of Contents.
- Develop Your Ideal Reader Profile
- Write Your Book’s Introduction
- Format of Your Chapters
- Read Beginning, End, Messy Middle Chapters
A 7-month Program to Finish Writing Your Book
Live Group Sessions
- Develop Masterful Writing Skills
- Develop Storytelling Skills
- Learn How to Write for Others
- Learn Creative Improvisation Tools
- Overcome Procrastination
- Overcome Perfectionism.
- How to Use ChatGPT to Improve
- Learn Basic Editing
- Learn How to Give / Receive Feedback
- Expert Developmental Coaching
- Discover Themes
- Develop Book Ideas
The Inner Game to Authorship:
- Act as If You’re an Author
- Overcome Blocks
- Accountability Training
Book Foundation Coaching:
- Discover Your Book’s Big Why.
- Write Your Book’s Promise.
- Develop Working Titles
- Write your Table of Contents.
- Your Ideal Reader Profile
- A Book Introduction
- Format of Your Chapters
Earn Early Bird Bonuses
- Katie Curtin’s Nonfiction Book Blueprint with templates, worksheets, and other resources to help you create your nonfiction book or memoir. +25.00 USD
- Special Group Session With Publisher/Agent +75.00 USD
- Two 60-minute coaching sessions on your book by Katie that can help you eliminate any writer’s blocks, and review your blueprint so you can confidently write a well-structured, compelling book. ($600.00 USD)+
if You Buy Before September 10th, 2023
One-time Payment of $1,697
OR $247 a month for 7 months
Current members get special pricing, contact
kelly@creativelife.com for your discount code.

“O my God, imagine you wake up someday, and you’re 65 or 75, and you never got your memoir or novel written, or you didn’t go swimming in those warm pools and oceans all those years because your thighs were jiggly and you had a nice big comfortable tummy; or you were just so strung out on perfectionism and people-pleasing that you forgot to have a big juicy creative life, of imagination and radical silliness and staring off into space like when you were a kid? It’s going to break your heart. Don’t let this happen.” -Anne Lamott
Write Your Book This Year, Not Next.