Open up to a big, juicy, creative life — one filled with imagination, play, and intuition.

Kelly Morgan is a journalist, poet, spoken word performer, teacher, and creative writing coach. She’s won poetry slams and published in literary journals and on blogs. Her books include A Visit Home, A World Without Seatbelts, and The Howling Coyote Between Your Thighs. She loves teaching and for over 25 years, thousands flocked to her Artist’s Way Workshops in Hollywood. About her, Cameron, the international best-selling author has said: “You couldn’t find a more sure-footed or inspiring guide.”
Kelly developed the Just Say Yes Method for writers, storytellers, artists, performers, and seekers from all walks of life to fall in love with their creative abilities — again — or for the first time.
In Kelly’s workshops, you’ll find a safe place to experiment, play, be authentic — express yourself fully.
Imagine you . . .
. . . jump out of bed, eager to write or paint. Sure, you struggle, but challenges stimulate your creativity.. . . express yourself freely in words and images?
. . . are lost in your creativity, look up at the clock — and the hours have passed like minutes!
. . . have new confidence in your writing/painting/performing/creativity? Yahoo! You feel strong and alert! What joy!
. . . catch yourself daydreaming, singing in the rain, swimming with the dolphins — falling in love with your life and your work again, or for the first time?


What to expect:
Discussion: In the small, live, online sessions you’ll share what you’re discovering about yourself as you work with your creative process. I’ll also answer questions about morning pages, artist’s dates and readings based on my 27 years of experience working as a facilitator.
In-Class Activities: In the small, live, online sessions, work on experiential exercises from the book, activities, and games. If you show up to class, you do not have to do everything on your own.
Clusters: Share your answers to the exercises in the book with 2-3 other people in the class. We follow safety guidelines for sharing and listening when we share our work.
Homework Assignments: Between online meetings, you’ll want to read the book. write your morning pages and go on an artist’s date.
If you have any questions or concerns between live Artist’s Way Sessions, please email me at creativelife1@me.com.

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