Write Memoir or a Fictionalized Auto-Biography
Membership for 6 months or more | $137.00 per month
One Three Month Session $597.00
Write Your Life Stories for a Memoir or as Fictionalized Auto-Biography.
What tales of yours are waiting to be told? What experiences would you like to weave into a story? What stories would you like to publish or turn into a book?
Your personal history holds a depth of emotion and a wealth of experiences, all waiting to be brought to life through the power of your writing.
This workshop is a journey of self-exploration, narrative crafting, artistic expression, personal growth, and transformation. You’ll pen your narrative, weave your victories and defeats, joys and sorrows into a unique tapestry. Unveil societal shortcomings, promote conversations, instigate change, or leave a legacy. It’s all possible. All you have to do is join us each week and write your stories now. Keep them for yourself, or one day share them with your family, friends, clients, colleagues, or the world.
In the summer and fall of 2023, draw inspiration from other people’s writing, including:
- The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer
- The Beautiful No by Sheri Salata
Workshop Objectives:
- Establish a consistent writing habit.
- Experience personal growth and wisdom through expressive writing.
- Become a clear and engaging writer.
- Master the art of storytelling
- Discover How Your Story is Socially Relevant or Personally Meaningful
- Write a draft of your memoir, a body of fresh new work.
- Boost confidence by sharing your writing/stories with others
In this live writing workshop, learn by doing.
Create a body of fresh new work by using the creative tools of improvisational storytelling. You’ll find your unique writing voice, discover the narrative arc, and how to engage with your readers through description, dialogue, and images. Hone the power of your intuition to access the present moment and a ‘state of flow’ to write about your past.
Drawing from powerful memoirs like “The Surrender Experiment, Journey into Life’s Perfection.” by Michael Singer and “The Beautiful No And Other Trials of Trial, Transcendence and Transformation” by Sheri Salata, we’ll explore how the written word can unveil societal shortcomings, promote conversations, and instigate change.
Throughout these live sessions, you will work on crafting a draft of your memoir, transforming your personal experiences into a gripping narrative that can empower, educate, and bring about awareness.
Every week, you will have the opportunity to share what you’ve written, providing and receiving feedback in a supportive, collaborative environment. This will generate new and better writing.
By the end of this course, you will have not only a solid understanding of the memoir genre but also have more of your own memoir written, and the confidence to share your story with others outside of the workshop.

Kelly Morgan has worked as a journalist, poet, spoken word performer, teacher, creativity and writing coach. She’s won poetry slams, published in literary journals and on blogs. Her books include A Visit Home, A World Without Seatbelts, and The Howling Coyote Between Your Thighs.
Her passion is teaching and for over 25 years, thousands flocked to her Hollywood workshops including The Artist’s Way (based on Julia Cameron’s international best-seller) to heal and transform their work and personal lives.
About Kelly, Julia Cameron, author of the international bestseller, The Artist’s Way said: “You couldn’t find a more sure-footed or inspiring guide.”
“Kelly makes it possible for you to fall in love with writing — again — or for the first time.” Sharon Malkin
- Find Your Theme: Discover your central idea, one that connects with readers on a deeper level.
- Identify Key Moments: Write about different memories and chose to expand on those with a message and story.
- Create a Strong Narrative Arc: Uncover a clear beginning, middle, and end to your story and learn how to craft it into a compelling narrative arc that includes a setup, confrontation, resolution.
Showing, Not Telling: Use vivid descriptions and immersive details to show your experiences to your readers, rather than merely telling them. This helps to bring your memoir to life and keeps readers engaged. - Develop Characters. Explore how to portray the personalities, quirks, motivations, and conflicts of real people to make them relatable and real to your readers.
Write Authentic Dialogue: Experiment with how to portray character traits, and drive your story forward while reflecting on ways people truly speak.
Writing a Memoir as Fiction: Decide if you want to write your memoir as fiction, or as a memoir. Either way, learn how to use the elements of fiction such as conflict, suspense, foreshadowing, and pacing to make your story more engaging and hook your readers.
Master Point of View: Experiment with a 1st-person perspective, offering readers an intimate glimpse into your thoughts and emotions.
Be Emotionally Honest: Discover how to write and share work that is emotionally vulnerable and honest by reading your work out loud.


Every week, during 2-hour, 15-minute Sessions, you will:
Meditate: Practice letting go of outside considerations. Get into the moment. Listen for your own voice. Allow.
Learn a Lesson With a Warm-Up Game: Learn more about the craft of writing. Apply teachings during a timed-writing. This is your time to play, be curious, try something new, step out of your comfort zone, and ask questions.
The Main Writing: In this second half of each class, create new writing or a story based on your life experiences.
Read Your Writing Out Loud – This is an opportunity to be heard and to observe what your Inner Critic is saying so you can train yourself to bypass it,
Feedback – Practice giving and receiving feedback to others in your small group or cluster by following special guidelines. The goal of all feedback in this workshop is to generate more writing.

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